Child Protection Training Center

Mission Statement

The overall goal of the Child Protection Training Center (CPTC) is to reduce Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) in our region, improve our responses to child maltreatment, and build resiliency for all children, youth and families.

Our faculty and staff will train professionals in the field. The purpose is to enhance education and appropriate responses using evidence-based practices.


We provide trauma-informed training on ACEs to all sectors, as well as teaching methods to prevent ACEs and intervene with effective responses to promote resiliency.

Through its national and local partnerships, the Child Protection Training Center will ensure it is always offering the most current trainings to benefit children, those who work in the child protection field, and ultimately the community as a whole. 

Our goal is to empower professionals and students with the necessary skills and knowledge to respond appropriately in crisis situations and be able to react appropriately by using a trauma-informed mindset to prevent further trauma while maintaining safety.

Why Choose Us?

  • We have the only mock house in the Upstate that provides hands-on experiential training.
  • Our faculty and staff have extensive field experience from our community.
  • Our Child Advocacy Studies Program has been operational since 2010.

What Can We Offer?

  • Foundational Principles
  • Legal Framework
  • Trauma-Informed Practices
  • Cultural Competence
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Risk Assessment Intervention Strategies
  • Advocacy Techniques
  • Documentation and Reporting
  • Self-Care and Burnout Prevention
  • Continuing Education
  • Professional Development Role Play and Simulations
  • Evaluation and Feedback

Training Programs and Locations

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  • Training Services

    • In-person and online
    • Lunch and Learns
    • Certificate Tracks
    • Mock House training

    Training Programs

    The CPTC provides evidence-based training to multiple sectors, including:


    • SC Resilient Schools Initiative—weekly training and multi-day summer summits
    • Largest project involving 19 counties in South Carolina to date
    • Supplemental training for caseworkers and investigators
    • Annual Resiliency Summit focusing on keeping educators up-to-date with techniques on trauma-sensitive practices, Child Welfare, Department of Social Services


    • PRISMA training for pediatric services
    • Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System trainings for medical residents, chaplains and other healthcare providers
    • Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine (VCOM) training for medical students

    Youth Programs

    • 30-hr certificate program Fundamentals for Youth-Serving Providers

    Additional Multidisciplinary trainings developed

    • Law enforcement, School Resource Officers, caseworkers, non-profit organizations

    Brighter Future conference

    • Successful, multidisciplinary conference providing continuing education to a variety of professionals
  • The Charles J. Hodge Mock Courtroom is a key component of USC Upstate’s Child Protection Training Center. The courtroom, along with the Mock House and Poliakoff Jury Deliberation Room, offers hands-on, experiential training in child abuse claims, investigations and court proceedings. 

    Professionals are exposed to real-world scenarios, and practice their skills with other professional members in authentic multi-disciplinary teams. Trainings are based on evidence-supported methods and are taught by experienced professional leaders.

    The Charles J. Hodge Mock Courtroom provides those working in the child protection field with a setting to help prepare for both the process of taking cases to trial and the ultimate goal—bringing justice to the victims and making them feel safe.

    Child Protection Training Center partners with the Gundersen National Child Protection Training Center in Minnesota, state and federal law enforcement agencies, the South Carolina Children’s Trust and Children’s Law Center, and Greenville Children’s Hospital. No comparable training center exists in the Carolinas.

    The Hodge and Langley Law Firm is proud to help the Upstate community improve its skills in detecting, reporting and responding to child abuse and neglect as the lead donor for the courtroom. 

  • The Poliakoff Jury Deliberation Room allows focus groups and other training participants including students, the opportunity for process critique and remote and two-way courtroom observation. 

    Funded by Gary Poliakoff of Poliakoff & Associates, this is a laboratory for understanding and enhancing the legal process on behalf of child abuse victims. One of only a few facilities like this in the United States, the Poliakoff Jury Deliberation Room enhances the Charles J. Hodge Mock Courtroom by serving as a resource for legal professionals and all who participate in the path from crime scene to trial, from suffering to justice.Additionally, the Poliakoff Jury Deliberation Room serves as a multi-purpose room for the Child Protection Training Center.

  • The Mock House is a hands-on training facility that provides real world training opportunities for child protection professionals. The Mock House can be staged to depict various crimes and situations professionals may encounter in their occupations. These scenarios are specifically designed to advance skills in detecting child abuse and promoting early intervention in addition to improving investigation, prosecution and litigation procedures to ensure that victims receive the support they need. 

    The Mock House is also used in training to understand ACEs from a child’s perspective.

Contact Child Protection Training Center

For information on available training dates and registration, email

160 E. St. John Street Spartanburg, SC 29306 

If you’d like to schedule a meeting, please contact Jodie Martin, MA., LPC, Director of The Center for Child Advocacy Studies and The Child Protection Training Center, at 864-503-5428 or

You can also click or scan the QR Code below for more information: