Campus Thrives on First Day of Class

The University of South Carolina Upstate campus was bustling with energy and anticipation Aug. 20 as the fall semester began. “Everything we do now is centered around students and how we can help them be successful at Upstate,” said Donnette Stewart, Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Services, as she greeted the arrivals.

Popular first-day gathering spots included the comfortable seating areas in the Library and the lower quad hammocks, where students relaxed and caught up with friends. Many arrived early to campus to ensure they could find their classes. Staff members were ready to help them, with strategically placed tents that provided information and an assortment of welcome back goodies.

Clubs, Greek organizations, Spartan Recreation Center instructors and librarians were also visible around campus to answer questions and encourage student participation in activities. At the Campus Life Center, students were invited to take part in Tri-Beta’s Plant Potting Party, where they could personalize clay pots and add a splash of color to their first day.

Chancellor Bennie Harris said he enjoyed seeing all the activity and looked forward to an extraordinary year ahead. “There’s nothing quite like seeing our campus come to life with the start of a new semester,” he said. “It’s a joy to witness the enthusiasm and anticipation of our students as they continue this new journey.” He added, “Today marks the beginning of new journeys, boundless opportunities, and shared dreams.”

To view more photos from the First Day of Class, click here.