National Security and Government Institute (NSGI)

Welcome to our institute

The National Security and Government Institute (NSGI) strives toward the imperativeness of national security awareness and ensuring the safety and integrity of our nation. In times of growing threats domestically and internationally, our nation needs to constantly be prepared and defended against physical and cyber threats. From our speaker series events, certification programs, short course offerings, and more opportunities; we intend on fulfilling our obligations to our nation in raising our national security awareness.

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Our Mission

Provide the U.S. Government with timely and professional research and development for military and cybersecure critical infrastructure controls and become the leading provider for full-spectrum government education and enlightened public discussion in the Southeast United States.

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Upcoming Podcast

Thursday, March 27
2:00 – 4:00 p.m.

George Dean Johnson, Jr. College of Business and Economics (Room 250)

Chancellor Bennie Harris & NIWC Director Erik Gardner

Chancellor Harris is digging into what makes a good leader on his podcast, “Below the Line.” In monthly interviews with local and national executives, Harris covers industry changes, technology and education through the lens of leadership. Erik Gardner, director at Palmetto Tech Bridge, will join the podcast during a live taping at The George to discuss the tech bridge and the importance of the cybersecurity industry. See the Below the Line podcasts.

Below the line podcast logo image

Erik Gardner
Director, Palmetto Tech Bridge at NIWC

Experience in Defense Weapons Systems Design and Acquisition (1993-Present) Experience focus in Submarine and Deep Submergence Systems design and certification and C5ISR IT Networks, Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations, Architectures, Services and Applications development, Information Advantage and Information Operations, Automation and Cyber Security. DAWIA Certified in Program Management and Systems Planning, Research, Development and Engineering.

Contact Information

T. Glenn Davis,
Maj. Gen., USAF (Ret)
Executive Director

Chris Conley
Marketing Coordinator