Military Schools and Training

Each year, over 800 special training opportunities are extended to cadets through the Cadet Professional Development Training (CPDT) program. The CPDT program supplements campus training with practical leader development experiences and some additional skill identifier awarding courses. Cadets train in Army schools and with Active and Reserve units. CPDT consists of two subprograms, Cadet Troop Leader Training (CTLT) and Cadet Practical Field Training (CPFT). In a typical year, about half our commissionees will have had at least one of these experiences.

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  • Located in Fort Knox, Kentucky, CIET is four weeks of intense classroom and field training held in the summer. This course is an accelerated version of the two years of leadership development training Cadets receive in the Basic Course, but is often also taken to advance Cadets who have completed the Basic Course. By transforming yourself through rigorous training, you will qualify for enrollment in Advanced Army ROTC on campus – provided you have two years of college remaining (undergrad or graduate). The benefits of this leadership training will extend well beyond your college years into any career field you choose. You may even qualify for a two-year scholarship that may take care of your college tuition and many other expenses.

  • The junior year is the culminating year for being evaluated and undergoing the most intense leadership training. The summer following the junior year is spent attending the Cadet Leaders Course at Fort Knox, Kentucky. Cadets will learn to lead squad and platoon level tactics, basic marksmanship, life-saving first aid, and many other skills that they can apply to their army career. This four week course must be completed as a requirement to commission into the United States Army from an ROTC program.

  • The Basic Airborne Course is a three-week training program conducted by the Airborne Department, USAIC, Fort Benning, Georgia that trains students in the use of the parachute as a means of combat deployment. Successful completion qualifies cadets to wear the Parachutist Badge. You begin your first week on the ground, learning the basics of parachute landings, and start a vigorous training program. During the second week, called tower week, proper exiting of the plane will be mastered. As a cadet, you will be then given the opportunity to parachute from a 250-foot high tower. The third and final week is the jump week. Cadets make five jumps from either a C-130 or C-141, including one night jump and two combat jumps with full combat gear. Are you ready for some REAL adventure?

  • Located at Ft. Campbell, Kentucky, the AAS is a 10 day course of instruction that trains cadets on Combat Assault Operations involving associated equipment and U.S. Army rotary-wing aircraft. Successful completion qualifies cadets to wear the Air Assault Badge. This is available at a number of installations, but the largest is located at the air assault home of Ft. Campbell, Kentucky. This eleven day course is very demanding both physically and mentally, involving obstacle courses and several long ruck marches. You will learn the basics of aircraft familiarization and recognition, slingload operations, and rappelling. Picture yourself rappelling out the side of a hovering Blackhawk helicopter!

  • This is a two-week program conducted at the Ethan Allen Firing Range in Jericho, Vermont. The course teaches cadets the skills needed to operate in a mountainous environment during the summer and fall. Mountain Warfare introduces you to the techniques and tactics required to operate in a mountainous environment under hostile conditions. The emphasis is on field exercises where you learn mountain-related skills. The instruction includes advanced navigational training, special mobility training (with special operations forces mountaineering equipment), and mountain tactical instruction.

  • Cadets have the opportunity to apply for these two programs which represent study abroad through Army ROTC. Cadets that participate in CULP spend time working with the military of another country, while also gaining cultural competence and basic language skills. This often involves volunteering in that area as well. ProjectGO is a similar program that focuses primarily on language and culture, with less influence on military competence. Past Southern Guards Cadets have participated in these programs in China, Poland, and Madagascar.

  • CTLT provides select advanced camp graduates the opportunity to increase their leadership experience through assignments to platoon leadership positions with active duty Army units for three or four weeks. This challenge is a definite learning experience, allowing you to gain a perspective on what you will be facing as a future officer. Generally, you are placed in a platoon leader position, leading 30+ soldiers and responsible for millions of dollars of equipment! While there, the cadet will enhance leadership skills and learn tasks associated with being an officer in the Army. If a cadet is assigned to a unit on jump status, and the cadet is already Airborne qualified, the cadet may participate in unit jumps on a permissive basis with approval by the CG and Cadet Command. The cadet receives an OER upon completion.

  • This training is only available to nurse cadets and provides opportunities to develop and practice a clinical phase of instruction at Army Medical Command Treatment Facilities worldwide. The cadets receive an OER upon completion.

  • We strongly encourage a healthy lifestyle that incorporates a regular fitness program. Our PT consists of running, playing sports, lifting weights, doing obstacle courses, and many other activities that are fun and get us into good physical condition. Our juniors and seniors along with all scholarship students are required to partake in PT three days a week, generally on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 6:30 to 7:30 a.m. For the rest, it is considered an optional activity.