Reporting A Crime
You can report a crime online and confidentially if so desired through the Crime Report Form. Bystanders or witnesses to crimes, suspicious circumstances, fires, or medical emergencies are encouraged to report such incidents when the victim(s) is unable to make such a report.
Emergency and Officer on Patrol Phone Numbers
For emergencies, dial 911 from any phone for the police, fire department or medical assistance. You may use one of the emergency call boxes that are located on the outside of most of the buildings.
For non-emergencies, dial 7777 from a University phone or 503-7777 from a cellular phone or non-University telephone.
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University Public Safety monitors a network of emergency call boxes throughout the campus. Call boxes are phones that are located outside of the buildings and are activated by picking up the receiver. The call automatically reaches a 911 dispatcher. The caller should stay on the line when the dispatcher answers so officers can get all of the information needed.
Your safety and security when on campus is our number one priority. For this reason, emergency call boxes are strategically located around campus to provide immediate communication with University Police.
There are two types of emergency call boxes: (1) a stanchion type standalone phone with a blue light located at the top of the stanchion; and, (2) a wall-mounted phone located at many entrances to campus buildings. Wall-mounted phones are also equipped with a blue light at the top of the telephone enclosure.
Please remember that emergency call boxes are not restricted to emergencies. They can also be used to report suspicious incidents or people, to request medical assistance or to request a police escort.
For non-emergencies, please dial 864-503-7777. If you are locked out of your car or have a dead car battery, please text 864-357-3008 or email
Emergency call boxes are activated by either pushing a red button on the front of the enclosure or lifting the handset off the telephone cradle. In either instance, the phone will automatically dial 911 and connect you to a dispatcher. When a dispatcher answers your call, please be prepared to:
- State the reason for your call
- Provide your location
- Provide your name
- Academic Annex parking lot
- Administration Building
- East side of building
- West side of building
- College of Arts and Sciences (CLC side entrance door)
- Campus Life Center
- Front entrance
- Lower entrance to cafeteria
- Library side entrance
- Cleveland S. Harley Baseball Field
- Dr. Lawrence E. Roel Pavilion
- Frank Cyril Softball Field
- G.B. Hodge Center
- Front entrance
- Media Side entrance
- Library Side entrance
- George Dean Johnson, Jr. School of Business (entrance to building near parking garage)
- Health Services (front entrance)
- Health Education Complex
- Palmetto House side
- Smith Farmhouse (side of building)
- University Readiness Center (side front doors, facing North Campus Blvd.)
- Horace C. Smith Building
- Library side entrance
- Circle drive entrance
- Smith parking lot side
- Humanities and Performing Arts
- CLC side
- Parking lot side
- Circle drive entrance
- Kathryn Hicks Visual Arts Center (front entrance)
- Library
- Parking lot side
- Quad (front entrance)
- Media Center
- ETV door
- CASB side door
- Palmetto Villas
- Building 3
- Building 5
- Building 6
- Building 9
- Rampey Building (front entrance)
- Smith Farmhouse (parking lot)
- Tennis Complex (front of the building)
- University Readiness Center
- Front entrance
- Soccer field side
- University Services (main entrance)
- University Police (main entrance)
Report Crimes Promptly
The University encourages accurate and prompt reporting of all crimes to University Public Safety and/or local authorities. Any time a crime is reported to someone other than the police department, the information should be passed on to one of the appropriate campus officials who in turn will report it to the proper authorities. Bystanders or witnesses to crimes, suspicious, circumstances, fires or medical emergencies are encouraged to report such incidents when the victim(s) is unable to make such a report. The campus officials are as follows:
- Nick Kehrwald – Dean of Students
- Aaron Lucier – Aaron Lucier – Interim Director (864-503-5420)
These people are responsible for making timely warnings to university police for the annual crime statistics.
USC Upstate has two voluntary confidential reporting systems available. One system is the Crime Report Form. The form is anonymous when submitted and reviewed by the chief of police.
The second system available is a small wooden box located outside of the University Villas Housing office with the word “Tips” on it. Anyone is free to provide information confidentially about a crime.
Campus Security Authorities (CSAs)
CSAs must submit a report to the Clery Officer/Department of Public Safety when they receive information about a Clery crime occurring within Clery geography.