Continuation Standards
Progression Policies – Please see the Academic Catalog for more details.
- Nursing courses are sequential, and any student who fails to take nursing courses in sequence cannot progress in the program.
- Students must achieve a grade of “C” or higher in every nursing course to progress in the program.
- Students who earn less than “C” will be required to repeat that course prior to enrolling in any subsequent course. Students who earn a second grade below “C” in any nursing course will be permanently dismissed from the program.
- Students are allowed two attempts to successfully complete nursing courses. Withdrawal from a nursing course for any reason in which a grade is assigned including (W) or (WF) will count as one attempt in the course. A second attempt to take the same course will exhaust the student’s repeat option.
- All 300 level courses must be completed satisfactorily before enrolling in any 400 level course.
- Students must complete the program of required nursing courses within four years if initial entry into the program. Students who exceed the four year time limit will be dismissed from the program.
Criminal Record Background Check
If there has been an interruption in your coursework (you missed one or more semesters), you will need to repeat the Criminal Record Background Check. Please contact the Nursing Student Services Office for the appropriate forms. (864) 503-5441.
Letter of Petition
Please submit your Letter of Petition to:
Student Affairs Committee
c/o the Assistant to the Associate Dean
Mary Black College of Nursing
800 University Way
Spartanburg, SC 29303