Intercultural Education and Engagement

Intercultural Education and Engagement (IEE) fosters cultural awareness, supports students, and builds an inclusive campus through informative, equity-driven programs.

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  • Want to stay in the know?

    Getting involved with Intercultural Education and Engagement (IEE) is easy. Just email


    Intercultural Education and Engagement is a support system specifically for students developing an understanding of identity and positionality. IEE acts as a liaison to culturally-based student organizations supporting their large-project ideas to promote inclusion and advocate for equity.

    Intercultural Organizations

    View a listing of on-campus involvement opportunities that cater to identity-based issues, advocacy, and awareness.

    College Resources

    Visit Student Services and Resources and Student Life to view services and organizations offered by the University. View this resource list to find ways to help students with minoritized Identities during their tenure as college students.

    Trans and Gender Non-Binary Student

    Trans and Gender Non-Binary Student resources

    Anti-discrimination Resources

    The harassment and discrimination are against the law and school policies; to report instances of harassment, discrimination or bias visit the Title IX Resources.

    Faculty Staff Resources

    Creating a more inclusive campus is the responsibility of everyone on campus including faculty and staff. Along with the anti-racism library guide and your own research, the Assistant Director for Intercultural Education and Engagement, Caitlynn Myer will assist faculty and staff with engaging topics of diversity and equity in their classrooms and student workspaces either by formal workshop request or direct consultation.

    Intercultural Programs Awards

    Recognize a student, faculty, or staff member for their efforts to promote diversity by nominating them for one of our Intercultural Programs Awards

  • Intercultural Education and Engagement design programs and events to raise awareness, understanding, and appreciation of multiple identities:

    • Race
    • Disability
    • Ethnicity
    • Socioeconomic Status 
    • Culture and Heritage
    • Religion 
    • Gender 
    • Sexual Orientation 

    Intercultural Education and Engagement strives to:

    • Provide supportive programming for students with minoritized identities
    • Affirm inclusivity and equity on USC Upstate’s diverse college campus by cultivating a spirit of collaboration amongst members of the campus community and the Upstate community as a whole.
    • Equip students, faculty, and staff with tools to navigate the world with more cultural  competence

    Our program calendar includes Faith Fest, Latinx Heritage Month, LGBT History Month, Native American Heritage Month, Martin Luther King Jr Week, Black History Month, Women’s History Month, Diversity Week and Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month Activities, and various other identity affirming events.

    Stay in the know by following us on Instagram:

  • Intercultural Education and Engagement provides opportunities for the USC Upstate community to learn and grow. We engage members of the campus community in educationally-structured learning activities to challenge stereotypical modes of thinking.

    We also strive to promote positive interactions among members of the campus community to foster intellectual and social development that invites the robust exchange of ideas.

    If you’d like to request a presentation or workshop please visit the request form:

    General descriptions of services Intercultural Education and Engagement provides:

    Workshops and Presentations – Our staff visits classrooms, faculty and staff gatherings, student staff training sessions, and student organization general body meetings to facilitate presentations and workshops that introduce and engage topics around equity and inclusion.

    Group Activities – Our staff coordinates activities to assist your student leaders, group, or class with breaking down the barriers of difference to have meaningful and productive discussions about inclusion.

  • Black Student Leaders (formerly African American Association)
    Black Student Leaders (BSL) strives to increase cultural awareness, enhance the overall collegiate experience of African-American students, foster harmonious interracial relations among the members of the University community, and promote the development of its members as professional individuals. Annual participation in a variety of Black History Month and other community-based activities highlight the group’s active contributions to campus life. BSL is open to all students!

    Latin American Student Organization (LASO) formally Hispanic Awareness Association (HAA)
    The purpose of the Latin American Student Organization is to provide support and guidance of LatinX students and to educate on the many facets of Latin culture with USC Upstate. LASO is open to all students!

    USC Upstate Chapter of NAACP
    NAACP stands for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. Its mission is to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate race-based discrimination. The USC Upstate Chapter of NAACP is open to all students!

    Spectrum is a support group created for the LGBTQ+ students, faculty, staff and allies of USC Upstate. The organization values respect, togetherness and knowledge. Spectrum is a safe place on campus to build new relationships, talk about LGBTQ+ issues, share lived experiences, and to confide in one another through support groups. As an organization, Spectrum hopes to serve the Upstate community with support, fun and education on the LGBTQ+ community.  Spectrum Is open to all students!

    Greek-letter Organizations:

    • Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
    • Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
    • Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
    • Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.
    • Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.
    • Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.
    • Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.

    For more information on any of the Intercultural Clubs and Organizations visit Agora