Want to Get Involved?
Getting involved in Student Government Association is as easy as showing up for a meeting. Any student can come to a meeting and voice their opinion and bring issues to the floor. If you want to actually serve on the Student Government Association, start by joining a student organization or talking to someone in your academic program. We have senators for each academic school and student organization.
Special Projects Funding
Special project funding is available for student organizations that need additional funds to travel or sponsor a special program that would require funding beyond their means. The organization submits a Special Project Funding Request form. These forms can be submitted throughout the year but should be submitted in a timely manner. These applications will be reviewed seven times during the year. Organizations will need to plan ahead and submit these requests in time to be considered.
Complete the Special Projects Funding Application online.
Have a Suggestion?
Do you have a suggestion for the Student Government?
Follow SGA on Instagram for additional information! Questions can be directed to the Office of Student Involvement at 864-503-5122.
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