Date Rape Drugs
Date Rape drugs such as Rohypnol and GHB are an up and coming problem for today’s college students. Here are a few tips to help keep you safe when you are on a night out.
- Never accept drinks from anyone you don’t know
- If you order a drink at the bar, watch the bartender make the drink. Bartenders have been known to slip drugs into a drink.
- Do not leave your drink unattended. You will not realize something has been added until it is too late. The date rape drugs are colorless and odorless.
- If you are drinking a non-alcoholic beverage, do not presume you are safe.
- If you are going to a bar, club or party, have a trusted person watch your drink at all times.
- If you do start to feel you have been slipped a date rape drug, find a trusted friend who will immediately take you to the hospital.
Please remember a few tips when you do go out and try to stay safe. These drugs are powerful and can render you powerless and even kill you. For more information, contact Health Services.
Theft Prevention
Most crimes reported to University Public Safety involve property rather than personal danger. You can minimize your chances of becoming a victim by remembering
- Lock your apartment door before coming to class, and lock your car when you get here.
- Lock your purse in a drawer in your office, and lock your office door even if you’re only stepping down the hall or teaching the class.
- Don’t Leave Property Unattended! It only takes a thief a few seconds to take your valuables. Many of the reported thefts have occurred when the victim was nearby.
- Identify Your Belongings – Put your name or other identifying marks somewhere in your textbooks. Engrave items that might interest a thief (television sets, stereo equipment, bicycles, CD Players and anything else that is portable and valuable). Marking valuables is a proven way to discourage theft. An engraver is available at the police department for student, faculty and staff for marking personal property.
Walking The Campus
The University is an active place well into the evening hours since afternoon and evening classes are popular with many students. The campus is well lit and University Public Safety makes regular patrols during the evening hours to ensure the safety of students, faculty and staff. Below are safety tips for the evening student:
- Stay alert and don’t be distracted! Be aware of your surroundings.
- Trust your instincts. Leave an area if you are uncomfortable.
- Walk facing traffic and walk only in areas that are well lit.
- Walk with friends or classmates whenever possible.
- Become familiar with the location of call boxes.
- If you are uneasy about walking to your car after dark, call University Public Safety and request an escort. They will be glad to assist you.