Accessibility Workshops

Teaching with Accessibility In Mind

The Center for Academic Innovation and Faculty Support offers workshops as well as recorded webinars and a self-guided course module, Creating an Accessible Course, which are available to faculty and staff through the CAIFS Professional Development Blackboard Course. Please contact if you need assistance to access the professional development course. 

Accessibility features of Blackboard are highlighted every January on Blackboard Day, and a hands-on workshop on creating accessible documents is offered every year to faculty and staff as part of the Equity and Inclusion Certificate coordinated through the Office of Training and Professional Development. UDL is featured prominently in the Online Teaching Certification Course, both in facilitator-led and self-guided formats, and it is a major component of the Engaged Pedagogy and Hybrid Course Design Institute. Faculty who participate in the Quality Matters (QM) Summer Course Certification program and faculty who become certified QM Peer Reviewers are responsibile for understanding and applying principles of UDL in order to meet online course accessibility standards. 

All accessibility programs offered through CAIFS count as progress toward completing the Inclusive Pedagogy Certificate.