We work with businesses and organizations to tailor learning opportunities to fit your needs.
Our expert faculty can design a one-time workshop, a series of workshops, a for-credit course, or a professional certification for your members. We have learning spaces in Spartanburg and in Greenville, or we can discuss delivery at your location. Our goal is to close the gap on your training and continuing education needs.
Our most frequently requested topics include Geographic Information System (GIS), informatics, accounting, communications, leadership, project management and human resource development.
Contact us directly at UpstateGreenville@uscupstate.edu to get the process started.
Start your journey today with self-paced, online professional training certificates.
Or, if you’re ready to start growing your skills today, consider one of our faculty-curated training packages, each composed of four courses. Upon completion, you will hold a USC Upstate Professional Certificate of Completion (and, more importantly, you’ll possess the high-demand skills employers continually seek).
Courses are self-paced, and you have three months to complete each course. Once you are engaged in this community, you will receive an invitation to join special networking opportunities for USC Upstate Continuing Education learners. Select the package that best fits your career goals.